apa yang ada di belakang kita dan apa yang ada di depan kita, tidaklah ada ertinya jika dibandingkan dengan apa yang ada di dalam diri kita
- Happy Sugiarto Thandra

Khamis, 24 Mei 2012

for my LMC

hug as my akhawat,my sister, my friend, my teacher, my best friend..but last night we meet, it's not happen..

it's my fault..

please, I can't see you like that.. 

not you as the one who 

cheerful akhawat
gorgeous sister
energetic murobbi
caring ME
friendly usrahmate
high bonding housemate
always say yes!! to the reminder

I saw you with deep of my heart
Just to say I'm sorry 
For being a friend like this
I cause you miss your tarbiyah

I know you sulk with me
But please.....

Don't sulky with Allah

Go and meet your usrahmate

Go and mujahadah for your sake

Smile for your mad'u

Let your heart flowed with guidance

Let me go if I can't bring you to Allah, to Jannah

I never let you go
I believe there is a

for you and me

together in this journey

Allah, please forgive me..


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